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Our Employee Early Intervention services entertain all the following cases:

  • Whether it’s a small, medium or large employer, we do not discriminate in providing our services to corporations.
  • Ergonomic tools and equipment, where firstly begin with simple solutions prior to entertaining more expensive complex ones
  • Modifications in work methods
  • Stretching exercises
  • Training in body mechanics
  • Training in stress management and other psychosocial workplace factors

Minor repetitive strain injuries may develop into long term ones. MHC occupational therapy can avoid such unfortunate situations from happening by intervening

Our therapists meet with the employees at their worksite. During a one-on-one assessment, we can determine if there are any signs of repetitive strain injury or early identified injury. Depending on the individual’s circumstances and the level of injury sustained, MHC makes recommendations and devises a prompt resolution at the right time.

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